Who we are

Somos una institución inversora que gestiona capital y otorga una variedad de servicios. Estamos conformados por varias empresas que desarrollan actividades financieras, administrativas y de servicio innovadoras que se distinguen por su diversidad y amplitud. A través de éstas, brindamos un servicio a la medida de las necesidades y condiciones particulares de nuestros clientes.

The specific goal of each of our strategic business units is as follows:

About us


Ser la institución inversora patrimonial privada de referencia en los mercados donde estamos presentes.


Cuidar el patrimonio de nuestros clientes y accionistas, incrementándolo de forma sostenida a través de generaciones.



We offer certainty to our investors and employees.


We live an honest life and do good onto others, rendering our dues to God and all others.


We honor our institution through our commitment, gratitude, and respect.


We act adequately, with no precipitation and respecting the feelings, life, and liberty of others.


We are committed to people, family, and society.

Corporate Governance

En Grupo Finaccess nos atenemos a las más estrictas normas de gobierno corporativo y en todas nuestras empresas y divisiones operamos con base en la reglamentación interna necesaria para aplicar las mejores prácticas en administración, promoción, contabilidad, tesorería, servicio a clientes, auditoría, conflictos de interés y código de ética.

In this task, we have the full support of several Boards of Directors—with high numbers of independent directors—and of the committees that stem from them. Further, our companies are audited annually by the external auditor PwC.

At Grupo Finaccess we work based on best practices in all areas of the business, establishing clear policies to operate in an ethical and efficient manner, and segregating the responsibilities of every member of the company. We also make a constant effort to strengthen our internal controls, improve communication and collaboration, and to adhere to the strictest standards in corporate governance.

Periódicamente difundimos nuestro Código de Ética y Conducta con el objetivo de que todos nuestros colaboradores conozcan, comprendan y apliquen sus principios, además de que cuenten con las herramientas para denunciar de manera confidencial posibles casos de violación al Código y contribuyan voluntariamente a las investigaciones pertinentes.

We have an Integrity Policy in place that addresses anti-corruption and conflicts of interest, among other issues. The policy adheres to the strictest applicable international standards and legislation. The Compliance and Ethics Committee, which reports to the Board of Directors, reviews it at least once a year.






  • Servicios Profesionales de Administración Corporativa (SPAC) was created to coordinate administrative and management services for several clients.
  • A group of Mexican and foreign investors founded Finaccess México, which began operating five proprietary funds and innovative commercial strategies with a salesforce with a private banking background.
  • Finaccess Advisors LLC is founded in New York and in Concord, Massachusetts.
  • SPAC extended the range of services it offered and increased its number of clients and employees.
  • Finaccess México launched the Managed Account product, using the Scotia Casa de Bolsa platform and expanded its family of products by distributing third-party funds.
  • The totality of the Finaccess México shares were acquired, thus reconstituting the shareholding scheme.

NEWS STORY: A Group of Investors Acquire Finaccess (in Spanish)


  • Finaccess Advisors se registra como Registered Investment Advisor e inicia operaciones en Miami para apoyar a clientes internos en la administración de inversiones en el extranjero.
  • The holding company Finaccess SAPI was created.
  • SPAC became Finaccess Servicios Corporativos and expanded its service offering.
  • Finaccess México launched new proprietary funds and the mixed Finaccess-EDM fund.
  • Finaccess Advisors spun-off of Finaccess México, moved to Miami and became the fifth largest investment advisor in Florida in assets under advisement.
  • Finaccess Capital, Finaccess Estrategia, Finaccess Capital USA, Finaccess Social, and Finaccess Filantropía were created.
  • The holding company changed its name to Grupo Finaccess SAPI de CV

NEWS STORY - Finaccess Interview - Forbes (in Spanish)

  • Finaccess México desarrolla nuevos fondos de inversión con Credit Suisse y concreta alianzas comerciales. 
  • Finaccess Capital obtained control over AmRest and Restaurant Brands New Zealand, as a majority shareholder, and acquired a stake in Inmobiliaria Colonial. It acquired its first Mexican mezcal brand, Xicala.

NEWS STORY – Mexican Fund Buys Stake in Poland’s AmRest from Warbug

NEWS STORY – Finaccess Capital Studies the Possibility of Doubling its Stake in AmRest 

NEWS STORY – Colonial will Expand Capital by 265 Million to Finance Investments (In Spanish)

NEWS STORY – Finaccess Surpasses Villar Mir in Terms of Stake in Colonial (In Spanish)

NEWS STORY – Finaccess Strengthens Stake in Colonial (In Spanish)

NEWS STORY – Finaccess Reaches a 18.38% Stake in Colonial in the Midst of the Tender Offer for Axiare (In Spanish)

NEWS STORY – The Majority Shareholder in AmRest, owner of La Tagliatella, Planning to Acquire up to 75% of Restaurant Brands (In Spanish) 

NEWS STORY – Finaccess Acquires 10% of AmRest for 309 Million, for a 67% Stake (In Spanish)

NEWS STORY- Restaurant Brands’ Mexican Bidder Sees Growth Ahead

  • Finaccess Advisors asesora a una diversidad de nuevos fondos de inversión, capta nuevos clientes y patrimonios y registra crecimiento en activos bajo gestión. 
  • Finaccess Advisors ranked 66th in FA Magazine’s top registered investment advisors (RIA), in terms of assets under advisement. It is also catalogued as one of the largest advisors in the Southeastern US.

NEWS STORY- 10 Largest RIAs in the Southeast

  • Finaccess Social invested in Soltra, thus contributing to the latter’s acquisition of Cinia.
  • Finaccess México lanza un fondo con criterios ESG, el fondo AXESDVD, que invierte en un portafolio internacional de renta variable, y el Seguro de Vida Inversión bajo la alianza con Interprotección y Allianz; se adhiere al Consejo Consultivo de Finanzas Verdes y concreta un acuerdo de distribución con Skandia Operadora de Fondos. Además, recibe el galardón Apoyo y Compromiso Social que otorga la organización Voz de las Empresas.

NEWS STORY – Finaccess México Launches AXESESG Fund (In Spanish)

NEWS STORY – Finaccess México Adheres to the Consejo Consultivo de Finanzas Verdes (In Spanish)

  • Finaccess Advisors offered financial advice to 15 investment funds in Luxembourg, Mexico, Switzerland, and Ireland.
  • Se constituye en España Finaccess Value Agencia de Valores, SAU y obtiene la calificación A, que otorga el conglomerado inglés de medios Citywire, y las medallas plata y bronce para dos de sus fondos, que otorga la empresa estadounidense de servicios financieros Morningstar.

NOTICIA – Finaccess Value y AFI Inversiones Globales SGIIC Lanzan el Fondo Finaccess Compromiso Social Europa RV

NEWS STORY - Finaccess Value expands its range of services to manage portfolios and investment vehicles.

NEWS STORY - Finaccess Value will manage two new investment funds launched by Renta 4 gestora

  • Finaccess Capital launches Finaccess Ventures, to support young entrepreneurs with a social sense.
  • Finaccess Corporate Services implements the Safe Return Plan with protocols for the return to work in person.
  • Finaccess Social's efforts are centered on supporting two companies: Soltra and Cinia
  • Finaccess México, Finaccess Servicios Corporativos y Finaccess Advisors mantienen su certificación como “empresa ejemplar” bajo la norma Crese®.

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